Season 7 Episode 12152
Decoding Unlcerative Colitis S1E27
Lori Landin is an International Speaker, Philanthropist, Visionary, and the Founder of THE LORI LANDIN FOUNDATION: a global non-profit organization serving those in need throughout the world. She is a Certified Challenge Consultant, Optimal Life Designer, a Board-Certified Health Coach, and a Certified Essential Oil Coach. Lori has a Master Degree in Music Conducting, extensive experience in Music & Theatre, and is the Founder of THE GIVING HEART MOVEMENT: a global movement based on kindness and giving. She is also a musician, a conductor, a mentor, and an educator.
Lori has experienced many of life's trials, but she acknowledges that they were pivotal moments in her life. One of those trials was being diagnosed with an ""incurable illness"" which she has been able to conquer naturally. That illness is one of those pivotal moments that has led her to become who and what she is today. Through her experiences, she has learned that ""The Obstacle Is The Way"" and ""The Giver Truly Is The Receiver"".
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