Season 7 Episode 12156
Dyscalculia: Beyond the Equation S1E30
Michelle Steiner lives with an invisible disability. She has a Dyscalculia a math learning disability, limited hand dexterity, and visual perception issues. Her disability has made things such as math, and driving impossible.
Diagnosed as a young child in kindergarten, living with one has become a way of life, and has had to learn different ways to learn and live. She has articles published on The Mighty, Non-Verbal Learning Project, Dyscalculia Blog, The Reluctant Spoonie, Kalopina Collective, Imagine the World as One Magazine, and Word Gathering. Her photographs were featured in Word Gathering, Independent and Work Ready. She works as a para-educator in a school with students with disabilities. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two cats.
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