Season 95 Episode 7777
S2 E18 - Alain Dagba
Alain Dagba is a Spiritual Teacher & Coach who for more than two decades has been assisting individuals and entrepreneurs with tools to live their lives from their Highest and Authentic Self. He is the author of many spiritual and personal development books. He and his wife are the owners of the Happiness Retreat Center and the owners of the philanthropic non-profit organization ALAIN AND DANIELLE FOUNDATION. Spiritual Teacher Alain Dagba also provides a private spiritual counseling service to celebrities, and Company CEOs. Spiritual Teacher Alain Dagba and his wife Danielle Dagba are the creators of the well-known Soul Journey Spiritual Academy that helps people all over the world eradicate toxic limiting beliefs out of their subconscious mind so they can manifest the good life they desire through their internal conversation with God or their Highest Intuition. +social media links YouTube Instagram Facebook Linkedin Tik Tok Meetup +favorite quote ""The Highest form of honesty is the truth you tell yourself."" Alain Dagba