Season 96 Episode 3696
S3 E17 - Charles Maynard
Charles W. Maynard, is an author, storyteller, and ordained United Methodist minister. Charles graduated from Emory & Henry College and Emory University and is a member of the Holston Conference. He has served churches in Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. He was Development Director for Holston Conference Camp and Retreat Ministries for eight years before being appointed a District Superintendent for six years. Charles is currently serving as Pastor of Generosity and Traditional Worship at Cokesbury UMC in Knoxville, Tennessee. Charles has authored or co-authored 32 books, including 22 children’s books. He has written numerous magazine articles on Great Smoky Mountains and Yellowstone National Parks as well as Tennessee history. Charles is known for his telling of traditional Appalachian Mountain tales, stories of American history, and personal narratives of growing up near Chattanooga, Tennessee. For his essays in The Blue Ridge—Ancient and Majestic, Charles received the Reed Environmental Writing Award from the Southern Environmental Law Center. He has written United Methodist Church Sunday School and devotional literature. His most recent books are Tidings of Comfort and Joy – New Stories of Advent and Christmas, A Storyteller Looks at The Parables, and A Storyteller Looks at the Gospel of John. Charles worked as the first executive director of Friends of Great Smoky Mountains National Park and was named as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the History of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Discover Life in America, and the Smoky Mountain Heritage Center. He worked as Director of Advancement for the International Storytelling Center in Jonesborough, TN. Charles married his high school sweetheart, Janice, who is a well-known novelist. They have two daughters, Caroline M. Lamar and Anna M. Lee. Charles and Janice both enjoy writing, traveling, and spending time with family – especially their grandchildren – Anastasia, Ainsley, Allie, Levi, and Hattie.