S1 E12 - Herlay Divine

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Season 94 Episode 3577

S1 E12 - Herlay Divine

<p>Herlay Divine is a spiritual teacher and mental health clinician who is known for her wisdom and enthusiasm. Herlay has 2 children and resides within the Inland Empire, SoCal.<br />
Herlay&rsquo;s life mission is to first free women who have experienced pain from a break up and divorce; and second help women awaken their true self through becoming aware of the higherself within. Herlay&rsquo;s teachings are principles taught by Jesus Christ that are also supported by psychological evidence as well as scientific discoveries.<br />
Additionally, Herlay is a senior minister at the Happiness Retreat Center of One Happy life.<br />
social media links<br />
IG:@coach_herlaydivine<br />
TicToc:@msdivine<br />
favorite quote<br />
The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands at times of controversy and challenges.<br />
Martin Luther King Jr.</p>

