S2 E11 - Debbie Wetzler

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Season 95 Episode 3583

S2 E11 - Debbie Wetzler

Debbie graduated from Oklahoma State University with a business degree in fashion merchandising. She became a successful interior designer. She and her business partner worked on several decorator showcases together until a national financial crisis directly impacted the business. To make matters even more difficult, shortly before this, her marriage ended, and as a single mother of 2, her financial outlook became bleak. She was close to losing her home, and she was working double shifts as a server in a restaurant. “I was depending on tips every single day.”
Her prayers were answered one morning when her friend Cindy Buck called to tell her about a wonderful new product and the opportunity that it presented. Since that day, over a decade ago, things have only been looking up! She started sharing ASEA redox signaling molecules with everyone, in addition to using the product. “I was sleeping so well and I was happy all the time! But for me, regaining my financial dignity is an amazing blessing,” she says. “It helped me save my home, help my daughter through college, help pay for my son’s wedding and to once again buy Christmas gifts for my family. ASEA has turned my life around!”
Debbie feels like she has found the right product & opportunity to truly help as many people as she is able. “Be grateful for everything you have. Set your intention, be persistent in sharing, prepare to make a few sacrifices, then let the outcome run its course,” she says.
And remember that restaurant that she was serving at just a few years ago? Now that’s her go-to place to entertain ASEA Founders and executives!
ASEA Tagline:
“We Power Potential”

