S6 E5 - Wöken Pictures, Blake Woken

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S6 E5 - Wöken Pictures, Blake Woken

"Southern California native Blake Woken is a Los Angeles based freelance advertising and editorial photographer and cinematographer.

Blake is a graduate of the prestigious University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts. Prior to studying at USC, Blake attended Cal Poly University and studied Wildlife Biology and Geology. Upon graduating from USC, Blake worked in the feature film industry as well as with some of the worlds top advertising photographers. He now works on projects for industry leading advertising agencies and brands.

His work has appeared in publications such as Sports Illustrated and National Geographic as well as having been featured in advertising campaigns for Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Red Bull, NASCAR, Delta Airlines, Wrangler, Major League Baseball, Wells Fargo, Marlboro, Coors and Budweiser.

My Dad used to always tell me to make sure to ""be where your feet are at"" and I've finally been able to apply that bit of philosophy more so lately. It took awhile to actually realize what he meant! 

If I were to share a quote from an artistic influence of mine it would be.... "" A good photograph is simply knowing where to stand""  Ansel Adams"
