360° HEALTH : Nurture Care Outdoors: Feeling Burned Out? Get your Brain on Nature!

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360° HEALTH : Nurture Care Outdoors: Feeling Burned Out? Get your Brain on Nature!

#BrainHealth #Longevity #Mindfulness

360° HEALTH : Nurture Care Outdoors: Feeling Burned Out? Get your Brain on Nature!

Dr. James JC Cooley and Guest Co-Host Dr. Michael Mantell has a sit-down discussion with Monica Eastway-- Eco Gerontologist, Educator, and Changemaker Environmental Gerontology and Nature's Role in Harmonious Longevity Take 10 for Vitamin N & Your Brain on Nature Challenges of Access Sharing Care Outdoors: Website https://www.monicaeastway.com https://courses.monicaeastway.com/cou... Social Media https://www.linkedin.com/in/monica-ea.. .

Embark on a journey to holistic health with Dr. James JC Cooley and Guest Co-Host Dr. Michael Mantell as they sit down with Monica Eastway, Eco Gerontologist, Educator, and Changemaker, to explore the transformative power of nature on our well-being! Discover the rejuvenating effects of Vitamin N and delve into Nature's role in fostering harmonious longevity. Take a mindful pause with "Your Brain on Nature" and uncover the challenges of access and sharing care outdoors. Join us for this enlightening discussion on nurturing our health through the great outdoors!
