Facing History and Ourselves as Children of One God

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Facing History and Ourselves as Children of One God

#AmistadStory #HumanHistory #SamuelHPieh

Facing History and Ourselves as Children of One God

A sit-down discussion with educator, author, developer of public health community projects and volunteer instructor, member of the US Foreign Services- Samuel H. Pieh

Why is the Amistad story relevant to human history

Why has this story not been more widely known and spoken about before the movie

What is Samuel H. Pieh’s lineanage with the Amistad story?

What are some lessons from my family history attributable to the Amistad Story?

Join us in a captivating discussion with Samuel H. Pieh, educator, author, developer of public health community projects, volunteer instructor, and member of the US Foreign Services, as we delve into the profound relevance of the Amistad story in human history. Discover why this historical narrative, though impactful, has not received widespread attention until the movie adaptation.

Samuel H. Pieh shares his personal lineage with the Amistad story, providing a unique perspective and connection to this pivotal moment in history. Gain insights into the lessons from his family history that are directly attributable to the Amistad story and the enduring impact it has had across generations.

Explore the historical significance and lessons that the Amistad story imparts on us all, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared humanity. Let's engage in a thought-provoking conversation that encourages reflection and promotes unity as children of one God.

Don't miss this enlightening discussion with Samuel H. Pieh - a journey through history, lineage, and the lessons that connect us all. Subscribe, like, and share to spread awareness and understanding. #AmistadStory #HumanHistory #SamuelHPieh #FamilyHistory #UnityInDiversity #HistoricalPerspective #SharedHumanity #EducationalTalk #USForeignServices #SitDownDiscussion #CulturalHeritage #CommunityProjects #VolunteerInstructor #OneGod #FacingHistoryAndOurselves #LegacyofAmistad #ReflectingOnHistory #EnlighteningConversations #MovieImpact #HistoricalRelevance #LearnFromThePast #InspirationalStories #DiversityAndInclusion #LegacyOfResilience #InterconnectedHistories #GlobalAwareness #HistoryUnveiled #LessonsFromThePast #EmpowerThroughEducation

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