How Can We Help Veterans? Ways To Help Veterans

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Season 54 Episode 1967

How Can We Help Veterans? Ways To Help Veterans

<p>To learn about how can we help veterans, you must visit:<br />
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The video covers the following subjects:<br />
<br />
- How can we help veterans?<br />
- Ways to help veterans<br />
- Help veterans<br />
- How to support veterans<br />
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Mark Meincke is a Canadian Infantry Veteran, and the creator of Operation Tango Romeo, the trauma recovery podcast for Veterans, First Responders, &amp; their families.<br />
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Operation TR is on a mission to save lives and relieve pain by making help for PTS Injuries easily accessible, with a vision of a world where the path to recovery is clear.<br />
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Those wounded with PTS Injuries are often disconnected from society, and even from their own lives. With this disconnection comes pain, loneliness, depression, and anger. All too often, the sense of disconnection results in reduced ability to create an income, homelessness, and even suicide.<br />
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Operation TR is an easily accessible lifeline for the wounded to RE-CONNECT. By reconnecting, the listeners know that they are not alone. This connection creates a sense of hope that recovery is possible, and the content of OP TR provides the path to recovery.<br />
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Website<br /><br />
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When searching for videos about how can we help veterans, YouTube is the best place to go.<br />
How can we help veterans obviously intrigues you and other individuals so I made this video about this topic.<br />
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If you wish to learn even more about how can we help veterans I suggest you check out our various other video clips:<br />
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Follow our video clips concerning how can we help veterans. You can also find various similar topics on:<br />
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Maybe you wish to comment below and let me know what else I can help you with and how can we help veterans.</p>

