Season 54 Episode 2115
Top Tips For Caring For a Loved One At Home
To learn about top tips for caring for a loved one at home, you must visit: http://cooleyfoundation.org
The video covers the following subjects:
- Top tips for caring for a loved one at home
- Caring for a loved one at home
- Caring for someone sick at home
Since 1984, Laurie Edwards-Tate has been the President, Founder, and CEO of both a non-profit, and currently for-profit non-medical Home Care Aid Organization called At Your Home
Familycare. It is a State of CA Department of Social Services Licensed Home Care Organization that currently serves seniors, the disabled, the infirm, and children and holds contracts with a variety of governmental and non-profit community partners. They are funded 50% by private duty and private pay services.
Laurie holds a Master of Science in Human Resource Management and Organizational
Development from Chapman University and a Life Credentialed Community College Instructor.
She established a Home Care Aide Training Program at Cal State University College of
Extended Studies. Laurie is also a founding member of Chapman University’s local Advisory
For nearly 50 years Dr. Mantell has been helping people of all ages and backgrounds disturb
themselves less and create lasting positive change with his compassion-based rational emotive behavior coaching methods.
Dr. Michael R. Mantell earned his Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania after completing his
M.S. degree in Clinical Psychology at Hahnemann Medical College. He has served as Chief
Psychologist for Children's Hospital of San Diego, Chief Psychologist for the San Diego Police Department, Chief Behavior Science Consultant for the American Council on Exercise, co-founder/Chief Science Officer of Plus Size Certified, Inc., and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSD Medical School. He is a guest lecturer at Point Loma Nazarene University’s Integrative Wellness program.
At Your Home Familycare: http://atyourhomefamilycare.com
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atyourhomefa...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurie-ed...
Dr. Mantell is a member of the Science Advisory Council of the International Council on Active
Aging, a longtime member of SAG/AFTRA (since 1981) through which he has brought
psychology to the public for decades in broadcast and print media including Good Morning
America, Oprah, Larry King, Men’s Health, and Women’s Health, and has been a keynote speaker at national and international health-fitness-related conferences. He has hosted several long-running podcasts, including “15 Minutes To Wellness” for the American Council on Exercise. He has been featured in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, and much other news and popular publications.
He led three-day intensive programs for the American Society of Hematology on Physician
Wellness and Burnout and presents a twice monthly “Optimal Living Series” for the same
Dr. Mantell’s website is www.drmichaelmantell.com
So you would like to know more about top tips for caring for a loved one at home. Here is the video I created around this topic.
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