Season 54 Episode 2179
Changing the Narrative: Creating Your Own Opportunities
<p>Getting to know the background of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, recipient of the Honorary Doctorate from T.I.U.A. School of Business (entrepreneurship and business), Founder and Executive Director of an Economic Empowerment and Educational nonprofit organization called WETATi Academy, Renowned International Moxie Motivational Speaker, Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur, and Gambian Goodwill Ambassador Dr. Margaret Dike Dureke<br />
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The power of Disappointment in realizing your dreams/visions<br />
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Why disappointment in any situation is a reversed appointment.<br />
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The journey of changing narrative in the effort to create one’s own opportunity is ridden with disappoints, but we must not be deterred if we are to gain grounds.<br />
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There is not change without change, there is no change without challenge and there’s not change without sacrifice in the face of meaningful advancement or growth.<br />
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Websites<br />
www.Margaretspeakscom<br /><br />
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Social Media.<br /><br /><br /><br />
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Social Media for WETATi Academy:<br /><br /><br />
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>