How To Slow Down Aging & Live Longer

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Season 180 Episode 6510

How To Slow Down Aging & Live Longer

"Siim Land is a best-selling author, public speaker, and consultant from Estonia. By education, and an anthropologist.
He teaches people about the art and science of optimizing their health and performance. He has written many books about nutrition and biohacking. He speaks at the world's largest biohacking conferences.
At a very young age, he realized that to change the world for the better you have to change yourself. That's why he decided to help others achieve that.
Guest website:
We Discuss
• What is Biohacking
• What is Autophagy
• What are some examples of Biohacking
• Fasting and its relationship to Biohacking
• Supplements to enhance autophagy
o Accelerated Keto
o Acceleradine
o Accelerated Thyroid
o CogniBlast
o Accelerated Ancient Salt"

