Tara Garrison - Reasons You Fail To Gain Muscle From Your Workout

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Tara Garrison - Reasons You Fail To Gain Muscle From Your Workout

"Are you putting in the time at the gym but not seeing the muscle gains you expected? In this episode of Accelerated Health with Sara Banta, my guest, fitness expert Coach Tara Garrison, breaks down the common reasons why many people struggle to build muscle despite their efforts. From lifting mistakes to nutrition gaps, Tara shares actionable insights on how to overcome these hurdles. Whether you’re just starting out or hitting a plateau, this episode will help you get back on track and start seeing the results you want.

Perfect for anyone looking to optimize their fitness routine and build the muscle they've been working for!

Guest website: https://www.taragarrison.com/

Supplements Featured In This Episode:
• Healthy Gut HCL Guard https://www.acceleratedhealthproducts...
• HoloZyme™ Digestive Enzymes https://www.acceleratedhealthproducts...
• MAP® (Master Amino Acid Pattern) https://www.acceleratedhealthproducts...

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DISCLAIMER: The information presented in Accelerated Health with Sara Banta videos is for educational and informational purposes only. The content provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or the use of any supplements discussed in our videos.

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00:00 - 02:57 Intro
02:57 - 14:05 Why Are We Not Gaining Muscle From Our Workouts?
14:05 - 28:43 What Does ""Lifting Heavy"" Really Mean?
28:43 - 38:18 Should You Change Your Exercises for Muscle Growth?
38:18 - 45:34 How Your Mindset Impacts Muscle Gain
45:34 - 48:47 How Low Nitric Oxide Levels and Stomach Acid Affect Your Workouts
48:47 - 56:43 Recovering from Stress Addiction: The Role of Stress Chemicals
56:43 - 57:39 Outro"
