Season 20 Episode 12906
S1 Ep4 - Transcend & Succeed - Beyond Words - A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Writing
In this episode, my guest David Feldman, tells us his story of transcending a very troubling childhood, how he found comfort in reading books, and subsequently writing his own. Come along and join us and hear all about his journey and how he turned his life around.
David E. Feldman has written 8 books of his own and ghost-written many others. He has made several films, won 2 film awards and won a playwriting contest in 2022. His first in series Not Today - Dora Ellison Mystery Book 1 was a Best Mystery 2022 Killer Nashville Claymore finalist and was followed by four, soon to be five, more Dora books. His novel The Neighborhood was a 2023 finalist for The Book Excellence Awards. He plays piano and sings professionally and loves to paint, which he does both for fun and commission. He adores his wife, two sons and their Yorkie. He has an MLS degree in Library & Information Science. His books include: The Dora Ellison Mystery Series Not Today, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 1 A Gathering Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 2 A Sickening Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 3 A Biological Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 4 A Special Storm, Dora Ellison Mystery Series Book 5 Pilgrimage from Darkness Nuremberg to Jerusalem Bad Blood, a Long Island Mystery Born of War: Based on a Story of American Chinese Friendship How to Be Happy in Your Marriage The Neighborhood His work can be found at: https://www.davidefeldman.com/books.shtml He works extensively as a ghostwriter, via his ghostwriting website: https://longislandnyghostwriter.com/ His film, Everyone Deserves a Decent Life (directed, produced) won the Alfred Fortunoff Humanitarian Film Award at the Long Island Film Expo, 2014. His film, Let Me Out! (Written, directed, produced) won Best Psychological Thriller at the 2009 New York International Film Festival. His play, Love Lives On, was a winner of the inaugural Artists In Partnership Inaugural Playwriting Contest and was performed in Sept.-Oct. 2022 in Long Beach, New York.
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