S5E3 - The Power of Forgiveness

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Season 294 Episode 9596

S5E3 - The Power of Forgiveness

"Jackie Nugara has been through more than any person should ever go through, all before the age of 10. Over the next 51 years Jackie found incredible strength and courage to heal the past and she is now on a new journey of embracing the power of forgiveness in all aspects of her life.


Jackie Nugara has been a Coach, Counsellor & Psychotherapist for over two decades in both Sydney and London.

She is currently working in the mining sector in Queensland and in varied Government organisations in NSW.

She specialises in neuroplasticity, teaching us how understanding & changing our brains and nervous system can help us live healthier lives. Jackie is also a healer, helping us to connect with our hearts and to live in our bodies. She is passionate about educating others at a personal and professional level.

Jackie is a key note speaker, facilitates courses, workshops and trainings both online and face to face for various business groups, corporates and government organisations. She coaches, counsels and delivers her workshops and trainings in a heart centred, practical and interactive way, making it easy to understand and apply to your own life and business.

She is also a keen meditator and runs regular mindfulness and meditation sessions as part of her coaching & training programs.


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