S5E5 - On The Way To Wonderland

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Season 294 Episode 9550

S5E5 - On The Way To Wonderland

Introducing Alice Crawley to this week’s episode. Alice is changing the conversation on addiction from one of secrecy and shame to one which is honest, healing and transparent. She is a testament to the power of changing one’s destiny through shifting our conscious and unconscious patterns, surrendering to life force and redefining who we are to live with peace, presence and purpose. She is transforming the narrative on mental health challenges, trauma and addictions to strip away the stigma and share stories, solutions and spiritual insights in the spirit of finding freedom together. Her strategies draw on her decades of personal experiences and extensive professional training in recovery and transformation, and how she came to publish her book and break into film production.


Alice Crawley, a visionary at the intersection of addiction, recovery and storytelling — a speaker, author, and film producer. The core of Alice’s compelling narrative is her grapple with debilitating drug, exercise and spending addictions which drove her into $185,000 credit card debt, as she battled mental health issues, overdoses and anorexia. In her 2022 book, “On the Way to Wonderland,” she vividly recounts her transformative experiences, which are a colourful, candid and at times comical account of bouncing back from decades of nearly fatal conditions.

Alice’s captivating narrative has not only resonated with readers, but also captured the attention of seasoned film producers who are collaborating to bring her life’s story to the silver screen. This is not merely a film; it is a movement to shine the light on the deadly serious, silent and insidious crises of addiction and mental health that impact millions.

As a speaker she explores the brutal realities of the 21st-century addiction landscape, delving into the rise of eating disorders, digital dependencies, and other behavioural addictions that are affecting millions — many without access to treatment. Her presentations share the arc of her multidimensional addictions and recovery, and include stories from her training with ancient and modern monks and masters to help us collectively break free from the bonds of self, addiction and the anxieties that flood us in a rapidly evolving world.

Learn how we can all contribute and come together with heart for a shared understanding and language for a more connected, compassionate and healthier approach to our self, relationships and our addicted society at scale.


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