Season 21 Episode 12935
S2:Ep3 - Transcend & Succeed - Transcending Cancer: Surviving and Thriving Using Natural Methods
#innerchild #breastcancer #subconsciousmind
Description: Meet Barbara Walsh, a board-certified master health coach who took her health into her own hands following her breast cancer diagnosis. Find out how she managed to beat cancer without any western medical intervention. This is such an amazing story – don’t miss it!
Barbara Walsh is a board-certified master health coach who overcame breast cancer naturally with the healing power of food and prayer - without surgery, radiation, or chemo! Now 7-years cancer-free she helps business savvy women fearlessly take control of their health and jump-start a metabolic reset in their bodies to not only avoid being sidelined by a breast cancer diagnosis in the future, but to also lose belly fat, regain their energy, and feel confident when they look in the mirror NOW!
FREE pdf: ""5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Being Diagnosed with Breast Cancer"" pdf here: https://www.goodnaturewellness.com/5t...
#breastcancer #ibeatcancer #beatcancernaturally #naturalhealing #itcanbedone #nomorecancer #barbarawalsh #warrior #e360tv #transcendsucceedtvshow #transcendsucceed #voyagetovitality #achievetv #voyageoftranscendence #transcendingsuffering #transcendemotions #livestream #healing #unconditionallove #lovehealsall #lifeblessings #love #innerchild #gowithinnotwithout #subconsciousmind #positivemindset #positivechoices #goodmorning
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