S2_Ep12 Awakening Through Moments of Choice
#innerchild #subconsciousmind #goodmorning
Description: Meet Vince Kramer, who is an airline pilot, military veteran, author, teacher, and Clear Conscious Channel, and today we’re discussing transformation and purpose-driven growth, and awakening through moments of choice.
An airline pilot, military veteran, transformational trainer and mentor, and Clear Conscious Channel, Vince Kramer brings a unique experience to the world of transformation and purpose-driven growth. His past experience in a stereotypically “macho” field brings a more integrated perspective to the softer field of personal growth not often seen. No matter the form, people want results and support. It is Vince’s passion to partner with individuals, parents, and groups in finding lasting empowerment, purpose, and passion in creating businesses, relationships, and lives by their design. As a speaker, teacher, guide, and best-selling author of “Awakening Through Moments of Choice” with his wife and business partner Mary, Vince brings a unique combination of experience, education and research in presenting keynotes, workshops, and online training in finding happiness and success in living life by your design. Through extensive research and study in leading-edge science, he has developed specific methodologies and results-oriented activities to produce breakthrough results in self-discovery and self-empowerment. He passionately believes everyone is unique and the creator of their own life. This passion combined with 30 years’ experience as corporate leader, entrepreneur and military officer gives him a unique perspective on bringing passion and purpose to every aspect of your life. It is his desire to inspire and empower you to find success and happiness by designing and creating a life fueled by your desires. Vince‘s greatest strengths are his ability to connect and to answer a question in a way that anyone can not only understand the answer, but grasp the entire concept. He absolutely loves sharing life-transforming materials with his audiences and making a difference in even just one life brings him tremendous joy. A co-founder of Imagine Miracles, he passionately believes everyone is unique and the creator of their own life. It is his desire to inspire and empower men, women, organizations, and families to find success and happiness by designing and creating a life fueled by their desires. Vince and his wife, Mary, founded Imagine Miracles, which guides people of all walks of life how to discover, design and create their Miracle Life. Vince and Mary are also the founding members of a membership community, Imagine Miracles. He is the host of a weekly podcast, The Miracle You. Vince wrote and produced the Miracle Life Method, online training programs and associated workshops based on the Your Unique Purpose Formula and the C.R.E.AT.E. model. His other programs combined with these trainings open the door to the life you are meant to live. Vince and Mary live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. When not sharing their passions, Vince and Mary love to travel and enjoy nature. Vince can be reached at vince@imaginemiracles.com or by visiting imaginemiracles.com, imaginenationmiracles.com or themiracleu.com.
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