Season 20 Episode 12917
S1:Ep8 - Transcend & Succeed - Spirit Awakenings: A Journey Within
#naturalmystic #neardeathexperience #shaman
Mike Mantic is a contemporary shaman, natural mystic, intuitive and creative. After a near-death experience at age 13, he began a 36-year ongoing journey of consciousness exploration. The ensuing years brought him life changing experiences through meditation, breath and bodywork, alchemy, shamanism, altered states of consciousness and so much more. For the past 20 years, Mike has focused on bringing this wisdom and experience to the world, working one on one and in group settings. He translates this ongoing journey and exploration into a curriculum of training to bring people to their own higher self and deepest wisdom.
Mike facilitates others accessing their own higher wisdom and the knowing that we are so much more than this body, living in this reality. He works with people dedicated to discovering the true mission of their souls; The mission that they came into this life to experience. Living this highest purpose creates a life of deep meaning and evolution. Mike's focus is freeing people from the structure of beliefs and fears that we come into this life with and develop through years of conditioning. People seeking to rise above those lower versions of themselves and align and live their highest calling are drawn to this work. Intrinsic to this work is disempowering the archaic hardwired fear of death. This allows clients the freedom to fully live and create the glorious, magical life available to them at the highest level of their own inner calling. Following this calling opens people to access a wellspring of power, intuition, vision, superconscious genius, and universal support.
The ultimate spirit of this work connects people to their highest essence. It allows them to experience themselves as a soul rather than just a body. This frees them from the deepest-rooted fears holding them back. It gifts them the ability, tools, and skills to live and access truth directly from their own highest source and superconscious genius.
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