S4E8 - "Heal Yourself, Heal the World with Quantum Awakening"

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Season 82 Episode 10430

S4E8 - "Heal Yourself, Heal the World with Quantum Awakening"

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation with ""Mindful Mondays with Laura Cross"" featuring guest speakers Dawn Livingstone and Julie Scott. Dawn is a seasoned Ascension Coach and Energy Healer, specializing in breaking the cycle of fear, addiction, and trauma to empower individuals towards inner growth and authentic living. Julie is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Immersive Meditation Coach, offering a unique approach to effortless change by connecting with the Inner Self and reprogramming the subconscious mind.
Together, Dawn and Julie will tell us about unique events they have created called Quantum Awakening, aligning their events with the phases of the moon, harnessing the lunar energy to plant intentions during the New Moon and release negativity during the Full Moon, using knowledge and education, powerful energy healing and immersive meditation sessions focused on accessing your Inner Self, connecting with Universal Mind, and nurturing a shift towards peace, positivity, and higher vibrational energy.
Their mission extends beyond individual healing to healing the collective consciousness of the world. By coming together to raise our energy vibrations and promote wholeness within ourselves, they contribute to a powerful shift towards positivity in the world. Dawn and Julie aim to gather 9000 participants to amplify this transformative energy and create a more loving, harmonious world.
Join us on ""Mindful Mondays"" and be part of this movement towards personal and universal transformation. Your presence matters, your energy matters – together, we can make a difference.
About: Dawn Livingstone
Dawn Livingstone is an experienced Ascension Coach, Author, Energy Healer, and the proud owner of Voyage of Transcendence LLC. With 25 years of energy work experience, Dawn’s passion lies in transforming individuals; life perspectives and fostering expansion and growth. She also hosts the Transcend & Succeed Podcast and TV Show, inspiring and uplifting her audience with guests sharing their life experience of transcending their limitations and turning their lives around.
Dawn specializes in breaking the cycle of fear, addiction, and trauma through education, and by addressing and dissolving vibrational patterns stored in the mind and body. She empowers those feeling trapped, guiding them toward their inner selves and authentic desires.
Her approach involves delving inward, exploring core issues, and sharing insights on energy, connection, and life manifestation. Dawn uses her intuitive abilities to identify and eliminate self-imposed limitations, self-sabotage, and emotional buildup to help individuals regain control over their lives.
Recognized for her expertise, Dawn has been featured in the publications Business Innovators Magazine and Small Business Trendsetters and has been a guest on many podcasts. She also co-authored the book ‘Achieve Wellness.’
Social Links:
IG: www.instagram.com/@healingforthenewearth
FB: www.facebook.com/TranscendSucceedTVShow
YT: www.youtube.com/@TranscendSucceed
YT: www.youtube.com/@VoyageofTranscendence
Web: www.dawnlivingstone.com and www.voyageoftranscendence.com
Info: www.linktree.com/voyageoftranscendence
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawn-livi...
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/therealVOT
About Julie Scott:
Julie Scott is an Immersive Meditation Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist. She helps her clients transform their lives by guiding them into full relaxation so they can access their subconscious and get to their core beliefs that are holding them back. From a spiritual perspective, Julie helps them connect with the divine within them so they can learn to trust in the ultimate source of love, strength and wisdom. This deep soul connection cultivates peace, calm and confidence in their lives helping them to achieve whatever it is they desire in any area of their life!
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