Season 20 Episode 12914
S1:Ep6 - Transcend & Succeed - Hydrogen Man: The Way of Water
#anxiety #innerchild #subconsciousmind
In this episode, Greg will share the story of his life with severe health issues, and how he reversed them using molecular hydrogen. He will share how he implemented it into his health regimen and managed to reverse his health challenges.
Greg the Hydrogen Man, is a molecular hydrogen therapy evangelist and host of the popular YouTube channel, Uprising144K Hydrogen Man. Struggling to find answers for tumors, autoimmune issues, and a heart condition, he began his own journey to heal himself and discovered hydrogen along the way. Studying the complex compound for four years, he implemented it into his health regimen and reversed his health challenges. Greg educates on water toxicity, the endless health benefits of hydrogen and how it helps protect against EMF radiation, topical application for skin problems, and marketing tricks to watch out for when shopping for generators.
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