Season 55 Episode 2751
S3Ep6 - Trading Uncertainty for Effortless Change
#innerchild #subconsciousmind #meditation
Description: On this episode, we dive deep into the realm of personal transformation with the incredible Julie Scott! Discover how Julie's journey from dissatisfaction to empowerment led her to unlock the secrets of effortless change. From confronting limiting beliefs to harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, Julie shares invaluable insights to guide you on your own path to fulfillment. We will discuss the intersection of neuroscience, spirituality, and personal growth.
Bio: Just shy of her 40th birthday, Julie looked around her life and wondered, “Is this all there is for me?” She worked a job she hated, living in a city she longed to leave, and her marriage was falling apart. After decades of struggling with people-pleasing, over-giving and low self-esteem, the end of her marriage in 2005 was her wake up call to make some major changes. Over the next 10 years she read every self-help book she could get her hands on. She slowly started becoming aware of unhealthy habits and patterns. In 2015 Julie hired a Life Coach to help her delve deeper into what beliefs were holding her back from going after what she truly wanted in life. She dreamed of being financially abundant, working for herself, trusting in herself and being in a healthy relationship. While working with her coach, Julie started coaching herself as she picked up quickly on the process and soon recognized that coaching was something that came naturally to her and that it was a career path that she could pursue. She loved working with people (25 years in Sales) and had always been that person that friends and colleagues could come to for non-judgmental advice. In 2016 she earned her Life Coaching (ICF) certification and quickly began working with clients. Julie was always working with a coach herself as she believed in the process. However, she noticed a pattern for herself AND her clients: Once she stopped working with a particular coach, (or when her clients completed their program with Julie) although progress was always made during their time together, she still was finding the same patterns / habits popping up in her life (and her clients did too). She thought there had to be a way to make REAL change... Change that lasted. That's when she started reading books by Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, and Gregg Braden learning about epigenetics, and how the brain and body work. She also learned about how powerful the subconscious mind is and that it runs 95% of our daily thoughts, feelings and actions. It's also where all of our core programming (ie. core beliefs) is stored that we acquired from 0-7 years old. And that we can't access the subconscious from a conscious state. With this new information under her belt, Julie began her own meditation practice using the guided meditations of Dr. Joe Dispenza. She also became a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Julie’s offer:
Free Meditation: ""BE PRESENT"" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBj0c...
Free Guide: Connect with Your Heart - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TiSh...
6 Week Coming Home Program / Moving from Fear to Faith - (Reg. Price $997 - Discount for listeners with Promo Code: ""TRANSCEND"" = $678) This is a 1 on 1, process driven program where we'll meet 1 x per week for 60 Minutes. Each week will have a specific topic and you'll be guided into deep relaxation so that you can access your Inner Sanctuary where you'll gain the clarity, focus and confidence you need to move forward in life. You'll receive recordings of each session to access again and again to renew your faith in yourself and continue your progress beyond the program. Also included: 2 additional 60-minute sessions (scheduled when you need them during the 6 weeks) to help you integrate the work and overcome any resistance you may be having to the process; Email & Voxer support throughout the 6 weeks. Link to schedule Free Insight Call and / or Enrollment: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/sche...
#effortlesschange #juliescott #immersivemeditationcoach #meditation #empowerment #powerofthesubconsciousmind #e360tv #transcendsucceedtvshow #transcendsucceed #voyagetovitality #achievetv #voyageoftranscendence #transcendingsuffering #transcendemotions #livestream #healing #unconditionallove #lovehealsall #lifeblessings #love #innerchild #gowithinnotwithout #subconsciousmind #positivemindset #positivechoices #goodmorning
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