Season 21 Episode 12944
S2:Ep6 Lyme Disease Unmasked: Overcoming the Hidden Battle
#lymedisease #diabetes #innerchild
Description: In this episode, my guest Rosemary Kelly, a registered dietician, will be discussing her and her husband’s undiagnosed Lyme Disease, and how they managed to heal naturally.
Rosemary Kelly is the owner of Empowered Living in Holden, Maine where she works remotely as a registered dietitian, PSYCH-K facilitator, and Bengston Energy Healing Method practitioner. She uses PSYCH-K to help people change their negative subconscious beliefs to positive empowering beliefs, so it is easier to reach their goals and bring more peace to their life. Rosemary uses Bengston Energy Healing Method to treat arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and other inflammatory diseases. As a registered dietitian she specializes in helping women improve their relationship with food to return to eating with joy and free of guilt and shame. She has a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology, and a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Nutrition. She lives with her husband and son and enjoys hiking and walking in the Maine woods. She is here today to share her story of her and her husband’s journey of living with undiagnosed Lyme disease.
Contact Rosemary through her website for a free consultation. If you decide to work with Rosemary, mention The Transcend & Succeed Show for a 15% discount.
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Social Media Links:
Website: https://supersubconscious.carrd.co
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rosemary.kel...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosemary-...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosemary.ke...