S5Ep1 – When A Mother Heals Herself.

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Season 294 Episode 9590

S5Ep1 – When A Mother Heals Herself.

Meet Beth Lewis in today’s episode as we explore the journey of being a Mum. Often, when women become Mothers, they experience feelings of anxiety, irritability, sadness, guilt, postnatal depression, and heightened levels of distress. Why? Because self-care goes completely out the window; sleep deprivation literally almost kills them; their hormones can be out of whack; and their relationship(s) are tested on EVERY level. All of this results in a disconnection from SELF that can often become an IDENTITY crisis - and in some cases, a deep depression. For the most part, many Mums feel mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually broken.
Beth is a Matrescence and Family Support Specialist who is fiercely passionate about mentoring and supporting Mothers so they can survive and thrive in life and Motherhood.
Beth has specialised in mentoring women in her Coaching business for many years, however when she became a Mother herself she realised very quickly why everyone says: “You are never ready!”
For the most part, many Mums feel mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually broken. Beth has created a safe and nurturing space to intuitively work with her clients so they can heal, grow, and learn the most powerful tools and techniques to: navigate their way through their personal transformation challenges to find their joy; adjust to (and create) their new “identity” with ease and flow; stay present & quieten the noise around them about the kind of Mother they ‘should be’; heal wounds, unconscious patterns, and limiting beliefs that no longer serve them; and gain a strong understanding of their ‘Mind-Body’ connection which enhances their energy on every level, and more.
Doing this work creates connected, confident and courageous Mums who can show up differently for themselves and their families – resulting in more harmonious homes.
Beth is fiercely passionate about the work she does with Mothers, as she has seen firsthand that when a Mother heals herself, her child(ren) directly benefit, resulting in calmer and more conscious children.
Beth is a Qualified Life Coach, Food & Nutrition Coach, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, (including Timeline Therapy® and Therapeutic Hypnosis®), and she is currently studying Breathwork and Psychoneuroimmunology.
Beth is offering 15% off her MYnd GYM for MUMS Program OR 15% off any Coaching Package *booked within 30days from the date of the show airing.
You can also book a FREE chat with Beth to discuss your options via this link: https://bethlewis.17hats.com/p#/scheduling/bvvntwckzbddtpnfrhdcwwwwwrkrhpgx
OR sign up for the MYnd GYM Program here: https://www.bethlewis.com.au/events/ with code: TRANSCEND
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