S3Ep2 Journey Inwards - Succeed Outwards

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Season 55 Episode 2765

S3Ep2 Journey Inwards - Succeed Outwards

#innerchild #energyhealing #subconsciousmind
In the upcoming episode of ""Transcend & Succeed,"" delve into the transformative world of mind-body-spirit excellence with a focus on Dahn Master insights, Dream Method mastery, and the empowering journey towards success. Join the conversation as we explore the harmonious blend of Ki Gong, meditation, and the revolutionary Bright Beings approach, offering practical wisdom for unlocking personal potential and achieving profound success in both inner and outer realms.
Peter Paul Parker is a Dahn Master in the mind-body-spirit arena, a musician and sound healer. He works with both energy and the physical body. Peter is a Ki Gong champion, winning the international competition with the British Team in Korea in 2016. Peter runs a successful coaching business achieving amazing results with highly sensitive people and empaths using the Dream Method. He has set up a local charity called Brighter Living, helping the elderly with their health and well-being using Ki Gong and meditation. Peter has also worked with schools locally, helping students connect with themselves. Peter has launched the Bright Beings Academy online internationally, which incorporates everything that he does to empower people to reach their full potential as human beings. Peter's motto is ‘Journey Inwards – Succeed Outwards’.
Peter offers you a free discovery to find out how Ki Gong can help you here:
#peterpaulparker #brightbeingsacademy
#journeyinwardssucceedoutwards #kigong #energyhealing #brighterliving #dahnmaster #dreammethod #e360tv #transcendsucceedtvshow #transcendsucceed #voyagetovitality #achievetv #voyageoftranscendence #transcendingsuffering #transcendemotions #livestream #healing #unconditionallove #lovehealsall #lifeblessings #love #innerchild #gowithinnotwithout #subconsciousmind #positivemindset #positivechoices #goodmorning
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YouTube: https://bit.ly/3zwKth1
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Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/2ZOOa4A
Amazon: Chakra Healing https://amzn.to/2Z3t967

