Season 55 Episode 2760
S3Ep3 Harnessing the Power of Lymphatics and Light
#breathwork #innerchild #subconsciousmind
Description: Meet Sally Lewien, a lymphatic and spine specialist with a passion for neuroscience and holistic healing. We'll explore the intricate connections between the nervous system, spirituality, breathwork, light therapy, and the vital role of lymphatics in achieving well-being. Discover transformative insights and practical guidance as Sally shares her wealth of knowledge, empowering us to harness the power within ourselves for improved health and spiritual awareness.
Sally grew up in a small steel town in Northern England and moved to America at 18. For the past 20 years she has been teaching and treating those in pain as a lymphatic and spine specialist. During that time Sally has continued her studies in neuroscience and techniques to calm the nervous system and facilitate healing. Sally thoroughly believes we have the power to help ourselves and with a little guidance and education we can change lives for the better. In her free time Sally loves to be in nature as much as possible with family, friends, and her dog Arthur. She lives in Colorado but loves to travel personally and professionally experiencing new places, cultures, and people.
Use this link to have a free discovery session with Sally: https://calendly.com/fitbaksystem1on1
#lymphatics #sallylewien #poweroflymphatics #holistichealing #lighttherapy #breathwork #spirituality #achievewellbeing #e360tv #transcendsucceedtvshow #transcendsucceed #voyagetovitality #achievetv #voyageoftranscendence #transcendingsuffering #transcendemotions #livestream #healing #unconditionallove #lovehealsall #lifeblessings #love #innerchild #gowithinnotwithout #subconsciousmind #positivemindset #positivechoices #goodmorning
Social Media:
/ sally.gilbertlewien
/ sally-lewien-53a44845
/ @fitbaksystems9417