Season 21 Episode 12929
S2:Ep1 - Transcend & Succeed - Hypnobabies: Making Childbirth Easier
#childbirth #hypnosis #postpartum
Title: S2:Ep1 – Transcend & Succeed – Hypnobabies: Making Childbirth Easier
Description: In this episode we meet Kerry Tuschhoff, Director of Hypnobabies. Join us as we uncover the misconceptions surrounding hypnotherapy, the significance of mindfulness and mental preparation in pregnancy, childbirth and beyond, and Kerry’s mission to empower parents to have positive birth experiences.
Date & Time: Friday October 27th at 2pm Central Time
Founder and Director of Hypnobabies Hypnobirthing Childbirth Education, Kerry Tuschhoff has loved being a childbirth educator, doula, speaker, and hypnotherapist for over 30 years. Teaching families to trust in their minds, bodies, babies, and the process of childbirth is her passion, and hearing healing birth stories is her joy! Educating people who need change and healing, about the life-altering benefits of therapeutic hypnosis for many physical, emotional, and financial issues is also paramount to Kerry.
www.hypnobabies-store.com and use ‘Transcendandsucceed’ promo for 25% off all courses, hypnosis tracks and sets.
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