S3Ep13 Unlocking Ancient Healing Secrets

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Season 55 Episode 2749

S3Ep13 Unlocking Ancient Healing Secrets

#innerchild #subconsciousmind #accupuncture
Description: Meet Dr. Tom Ingegno! Discover the secrets of ancient healing as we delve into topics such as cupping therapy, lesser-known East Asian Medicine therapies, and the concept of Yang Shen for vibrant living at any age.
Dr. Tom Ingegno, DACM, LAC, is a clinician, speaker, and the best-selling author of The Cupping Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Healing. Dr. Tom owns and operates Charm City Integrative Health, a multifaceted clinic NYT bestseller and futurist David Houle called the ""Future of Medicine."" His clinic provides a multidimensional approach to reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and regulating the immune system to help people thrive. In addition to a quarter century of clinical experience, Dr. Tom has taught at two universities of East Asian Medicine and served as Chair of the Maryland Board of Acupuncture. Dr. Tom has been featured in both consumer and professional media, spreading his message of health using modern research, traditional practices, and humor to make complex theories and treatments understandable. His professional passion is to help patients and like-minded practitioners develop no-nonsense practices to allow people to maximize their health.
Dr. Tom offers a free introductory course on meditation at https://www.udemy.com/course/meditati...
The Cupping Book: Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Healing
#drtomingegno #ancienthealingsecrets #ancienthealing #accupuncture #redlighttherapy #cryo #holistichealth #e360tv #transcendsucceedtvshow #transcendsucceed #voyagetovitality #achievetv #voyageoftranscendence #transcendingsuffering #transcendemotions #livestream #healing #unconditionallove #lovehealsall #lifeblessings #love #innerchild #gowithinnotwithout #subconsciousmind #positivemindset #positivechoices #goodmorning
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