Season 143 Episode 5316
Allyship in Life & In Business with Trish Carr (S1:E6)
Allyship is seen as the key to unlocking diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging (DEIB). In the context of DEIB, an ally is any person that actively promotes and aspires to advance the culture of inclusion through intentional, positive and conscious efforts that benefit people as a whole.
Throughout American history we have seen allies for African-American people rise, stand and fight against the injustices then and those that persist today. We saw the global outcry during the horrific death of George Floyd and the millions who marched in the streets standing united for human rights. However, what we often do not see are those who go beyond the marching and pick up the mantel, in their own way and position of influence, do begin to sound the drum, elevate awareness, shift positions and perceptions and make a difference.
Tune into this Choose to Challenge conversation with host LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group/The Bradford Group Consulting) and guest Trish Carr as they discuss how her life has forever changed where she now opening and boldly uses her platform to help bridge the racial divide through conversations. She believes that the more we become aware and sensitive to the plight and struggle of others, that we can then choose to step out of our comfort zone and dare to challenge the status quo.
Trish Carr is a dynamic woman committed to excellence and known as The Results Revolutionary. She is the co-founder of Women’s Prosperity Network, an international community of women designed to help elevate, inspire, and expand women in their lives and in business. She is an international speaker, trainer, an acclaimed sales expert, and #1 best-selling author of the book It’s Just a Conversation – What to Say & How to Say it in Business. Trish has shared the stage with some of the world’s top business experts and thought leaders including Chicken Soup for the Soul’s Jack Canfield, renowned motivational speaker, Les Brown, Purple Cow author and marketing guru Seth Godin, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Sharon Lechter. With all of her amazing accomplishments and accolades, she has now added advocate and ally for racial equity and human rights to her role as a servant leader.
Hashtags: #blackhistorymonth #choosetochallenge #TrishCarr #WPN #womensprosperitynetwork #sistertosister #LaWannaBradford #allyship #ItsJustAConversation