Season 143 Episode 5269
I AM Thriving } Life Beyond Breast Cancer and Domestic Abuse (Pre-recorded)
I AM Thriving | Life Beyond Breast Cancer and Domestic Abuse
Tune into another edition of Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, 10/24/22 at 6PM EST on e360TV.com. The show also streams on FB, ROKU, Apple TV, and Samsung TV.
Choose to Challenge is a platform that provides the conversational place to shift the narratives and mindsets around the myriad of issues facing women on a domestic and global scale. Each episode challenges the audience to reflect on norms, systems, institutions, biases, and stereotypes that limit women from elevating to the best versions of themselves.
October is the month where we see pink and purple ribbons reminding us of the importance to continue to promote Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness. LaWanna and her guest, Woobie, AKA Lyn-Dee Eldridge, talk about the challenge of these two journeys, and what it means to rise victorious, not defined by circumstances or illness.
Woobie is a warrior and conqueror of both breast cancer and domestic violence. She epitomizes resilience and has learned to embrace the beauty of living in the now. She has taken her many tests and made them her testimonies, and now leverages her international platform to spread hope, love, and inspiration to many around the world.
Set your clock for this a discussion as Woobie gives a us a glimpse into some of the darkness that she faced. However, she does not want you to sit there or even pity what she faced because like the beautiful beacon of inspiration that she is, she will walk you into the powerful transformative light that allowed her to not only rise, but soar. She shares how she fell in love with herself once she realized that she had “greatness within.” For Woobie, her life was not over…it was only beginning.
LaWanna Bradford, AKA “The Connector,” is the producer and host of Choose to Challenge. As CEO of The Bradford Group and Principle of The Bradford Group Consulting, she leverages her 30+ years of strategic planning, and business and financial analysis to guide businesses in the application of success strategies to improve performance and increase the bottom line. She a certified planner and award-winning financial analyst who understands first-hand the importance of listening to and evaluating the indicators that are daily present in our bodies and in our business.
Woobie aka Lyn-Dee Eldridge is your (CHO) Chief Happiness Officer/Founder of Happiness Jungle® LLC and the owner of Cuddle Me Love® LLC. Entrepreneur Mentor, #1 Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence Survivor, Humorist, Creator/Producer/TV, and Radio personality. The Host of, ‘I’m CraZy But You Can’t Lock Me UP’ Podcast and The Creator of the Happiness Jungle Emotional Support Body Pillow® / Cuddle Me Love Body Pillow®
When your cookies crumble like Lyn-Dee’s has; cancer, abuse, divorce, grieving, single, co- and step-parenting, becoming a care-taker, business owner, and dealing with financial pressures–bankruptcy–you can learn how to work through everything with a happier, more positive attitude and purpose.
She has been able to scale, measure and add value by turning her cookie crumbs into opportunities for growth and empowerment. Lyn-Dee helps individuals, couples, families, small businesses, corporations, non-profit groups, schools, and universities understand how to apply and understand the true philosophies of Happiness. How to live a less stressful life by making better choices and taking positive action steps to a stronger, more promising tomorrow.
#ChoosetoChallenge #breastcancerawareness #domestiviolenceawareness #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #Woobie #LynDeeEldridge #CuddleMeLove #HappinessJungle #e360TV