Season 143 Episode 5292
The Connect Between Physical Health and Entrepreneurial Health with Mary Ellen Ciganovich
Tune into another edition of Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, 8/15/2022 at 6PM EST on e360TV.com. The show also streams on FB, ROKU, Apple TV, and Samsung TV.
Choose to Challenge is a platform that provides the conversational place to shift the narratives and mindsets around the myriad of issues facing women on a domestic and global scale. Each episode challenges the audience to reflect on norms, systems, institutions, biases, and stereotypes that limit women from elevating to the best versions of themselves.
Are you and entrepreneur? Have you found yourself having to juggle between the choice of maintaining your business and your health? Creating harmonious state of wellness should not be a choice, but a priority that we have in our lives. Unfortunately, as entrepreneurs, we may place ourselves at risk because we allow fear of “what ifs” to control how we show up in the world.
LaWanna and her guest, Mary Ellen Ciganovich, talk about the Connection Between Physical Health and Entrepreneurial Health. When we are operating from a place of optimal mental and physical well-being, we can see the favorable impact to our business. Conversely, when our health is compromised and we have no other resources on which to depend, we can see a corresponding impact to our business and our bottom line. The adage, “you cannot pour from an empty cup,” holds true even when we navigate our respective lane in business.
By tuning into this episode, you will walk away with tips on how to assess how your physical and emotional well-being may be impacting your business success. You will also learn how to use your breath, your vision, and self-talk to shift your lived experience and the results that we experience in our business.
LaWanna Bradford, AKA “The Connector,” is the producer and host of Choose to Challenge. As CEO of The Bradford Group and Principle of The Bradford Group Consulting, she leverages her 30+ years of strategic planning, and business and financial analysis to guide businesses in the application of success strategies to improve performance and increase the bottom line. She a certified planner and award-winning financial analyst who understands first-hand the importance of listening to and evaluating the indicators that are daily present in our bodies and in our business.
Mary Ellen is an educator and consultant with at R.E.A.L Health, LLC. She inspirational international speaker, writer, author of Healing Words: Life Lessons to Inspire and Taking Responsibility Unleashes True Healing. On social media, she is shares beautiful life lessons that we can apply in our daily living. Mary Ellen's physical and mental wellness hurdles took her on a journey of self-discover and daily recovery founded in a foundation of hope and strength. As an entrepreneur who teaches self-discovery and healing in one’s life and business. She is on a mission to share the hope of Truths with the world.
#ChoosetoChallenge #physcialhealth #businesshealth #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #MaryEllenCiganovich #REALHealthLLC #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #e360TV