Season 143 Episode 5331
Choose to Challenge | Overcoming with the Power of Your Mind & Technology with Irene Vaskberg
(Pre-Recorded) Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford
Choose to Challenge airs each Monday at 6PM EST on e360TV.com
Have you experienced those moments when life's twist and turns cause something deep within you to burst forth? It's that superpower and inner strength comes forth in all of its brilliance and glory. Tune into this Choose to Challenge conversation with host LaWanna Bradford and special guest Irene Vaksberg as they talk about overcoming with the power of your mind and technology. You don't want to miss this one as we hear about the seemingly impossible odds that one can overcome with determination, transformative mindset, and modern technology. Irene reminds us that “Living victoriously begins with knowing who you are and believing that you can!”
Irene Vaksberg is an overcomer who has not only survived but is now living victoriously against some incredible odds. Her journey has led her to uncover her purpose of bringing health and healing to others. She is on a mission to change lives through HPT Technology. She wants to spread the message of obtaining drug-free pain relief one person at a time.
She is the CEO of GotHealth where she provides neurological wearable technology to help people get their quality of life back,. She also works with non-profit organizations to help veterans go from lived-in chronic pain, anxiety, depression and PTSD to quality of life.
#wonderwoman #CYLive #IreneVaskberg #livingvictoriously #riseUP #LaWannaBradford #BarbaraBeckley #womensmotivation