Don't Let Life's Hardships Keep You Down with Brian Martin

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Season 143 Episode 5262

Don't Let Life's Hardships Keep You Down with Brian Martin

Don’t Let Life’s Hardships Keep You Down
Choose to Challenge is a show designed to create a platform that change narratives surrounding the impediments the interfere with women elevating to the highest versions of themselves. This includes systems, institutions, legislation, mindsets, etc. It is a platform for deep introspective and challenging conversations. Choose to Challenge is in the third season and is a weekly show that airs each Monday at 6PM EST on
Tune in on Monday, 12/5/22, at 6PM ET as host LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group and The Bradford Group Consulting) and Bryan Martin discuss the undulating moments in life that can rise to tsunamic proportions. One of the worst feelings that we can experience is when fight/flight kicks in and we begin to battle to survive. Those are the moments when our life begins to spiral out of control, which some call the dark night of the soul. During this episode, LaWanna and Bryan will talk about the power of choice that rising when we face challenges. They will explore the essence of recovery and what it means to rise like a Phoenix and continue to live your best life, freely expressing who you were meant to be. Bryan believes “through community we find support and that generates gratitude which, in turn, fuels the cycle to continue creating more positive energy and igniting the light that can guide others towards safe harbor.”
Bryan Martin (Also known as Sealionbryan) is a marine biologist, educator, author and widower. He achieved his Marine Biology degree for Salem University in Massachusetts and had an extremely successful career in animal care as an animal trainer and Director of Animal Care. In 2018, he lost his partner Clayton to a terminal illness just 10 months after his father passed away.
The storm of the first two years led into a pandemic and Bryan was trapped alone in his widowed world. He could feel the loneliness and depression sinking in. Watching others post about their pandemic grief reminded him of the start his grief journey. He had the choice to just give in or take hold of the gift we all have inside - the ability to generate joy. Bryan quickly learned he could use that gift to fight the darkness and started to dance on social media.
Bryan began to share his widowed blog to show there is hope and that there would be smiles in their future. His first book is the collection of social media posts, blog posts, insights and reflections written from when his partner Clayton passed away until they were able to have funeral 4 years later. It contains the writings as is without grammatical edits and sentence structure corrections because grief writes as it feels, corrections would dilute the honesty and authenticity.
You can find Bryan on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok @SEALIONBRYANDr.
#ChoosetoChallenge #LaWannaBradford #BryanMartin #Overcoming #RisingVictiously #SeaLionBryan

