Mental Health - A Growing Concern for Black & Brown Communities

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Season 143 Episode 5279

Mental Health - A Growing Concern for Black & Brown Communities

CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE ON E360TV.COM | Mental Health - A Growing Concern for Black and Brown Communities
Tune into another edition of Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, 7/11/22 at 6PM EST on This month is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and there are some conversations that we must have regarding the battle for mental wellness within Black and Brown communities. It is time to bust through the biases, stereotypes, and taboos that surround the discussion of mental health and shift the narrative and perceptions.
LaWanna and her guest, Coach Wayne “Lyte” Brown, will take a deep dive discussion on the challenges, the risks, and solutions that we can each take to ensure that the conversations, tools, and solutions are available for individuals to a life of mental wellness. It is time to get loud about mental health and do our part in ending the rise of this second pandemic.
Coach Wayne ""Lyte"" Brown is the Founder of ""Avoid Being Average"" Design, Coaching and Consulting. He is a certified Mental First Health Aid trainer and is an Optimistic Mastermind and Resilience Strategist. He founded a CH group in 2019 where he daily challenges individuals to expand their thinking and beliefs when it comes to living an optimistic life.
Choose to Challenge airs each Monday at 6PM EST on and streams on FB, Roku, AppleTV, and SamsungTV.
#mentalhealthmatters #minoritymentalhealth #letsgetloudaboutmentalheatlh #CoachLyteBrown #mentalwellnessadvocate #NationalMinorityMentalHealthAwarenessMonth

