Choose to Challenge - Women Who Are Unsung & Unheard with Barry B. Mixon

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Season 143 Episode 5339

Choose to Challenge - Women Who Are Unsung & Unheard with Barry B. Mixon

(Pre-recorded Episode)
Tune into this week's episode of Choose to Challenge with host LaWanna Bradford. Choose to Challenge airs each week at 6PM EST on and streams on FB.
As we continue to celebrate Women's History Month, it is important that we reflect on those who are unsung and often unheard. These women share the same hopes and dreams of all women. They want the safety and security for their families, they want to be love and valued. Yet sometimes life happens and may even cause individuals to be ""sidelined."" No matter, the twists, and turns that we may encounter, we still have value and often we find that our trails and tests become our testimonies...our stories that serve to lift and give others hope.
This episode LaWanna Bradford and guest Barry B. Mixon will talk about the women who are homeless. This discussion will also challenge the biases that you may have when it comes to those who are homeless. We must be careful to not quickly judge but seek to understand and always walk in empathy and with love.
Barry B. Mixon is a gemologist and is known as a Gemological Storyteller. He is also the owner of The Gem Hunter Gemological Appraisals and Storytelling Services. In addition to his passion for gemstones and sharing stories of their correlation to life and lived experiences, he is the host of the Gem Hunter Stories T.V. show. Barry divides his time between the U.S. and France where he teaches and mentors youth.
His is an awarded speaker and has numerous awards to his credits including 2021-2022 Global Educator of the Year and The Chicago Defender’s Men of Excellence. Barry is an author, speaker, and a man passionate about showing individuals how to realize their value and live life full-out and on purpose.
#CYLive #BarryBMixon #gemologicalstoryteller #homelesswomen #unsung #unheard #breakthebias

