What Does Healthy Living Mean to You? A Girl Let's Get Real Conversation (Live)

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Season 143 Episode 5299

What Does Healthy Living Mean to You? A Girl Let's Get Real Conversation (Live)

Tune into another edition of Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, 8/22/2022 at 6PM EST on e360TV.com. The show also streams on FB, ROKU, Apple TV, and Samsung TV.
Choose to Challenge is a platform that provides the conversational place to shift the narratives and mindsets around the myriad of issues facing women on a domestic and global scale. Each episode challenges the audience to reflect on norms, systems, institutions, biases, and stereotypes that limit women from elevating to the best versions of themselves.
Are you on a mission to improve your health? With so many schools of thought and health plan choices to make, how do you know that you are on the right path? No matter where we are in life in our wellness journey, most will agree that it is important that we become our own committed champion focused on manifesting our best and healthiest life.
LaWanna and her special guest co-host, Dr. Teresa A. Smith, will be joined by wellness experts and health advocates to have a “Girl, Let’s Get Real Conversation,” around the meaning of healthy living. Lyn-Dee Eldridge, Kelly Haugh, Jacqueline Young-Landi, and Marva Riley, RN will rotate on the stage with their perspectives and recommendations around the restorative sleep, gut health, exercise and supplements, and healthy eating.
LaWanna Bradford, AKA “The Connector,” is the producer and host of Choose to Challenge. As CEO of The Bradford Group and Principle of The Bradford Group Consulting, she leverages her 30+ years of strategic planning, and business and financial analysis to guide businesses in the application of success strategies to improve performance and increase the bottom line. She a certified planner and award-winning financial analyst who understands first-hand the importance of listening to and evaluating the indicators that are daily present in our bodies and in our business.
Dr. Teresa Smith is on a mission to help others find redemption despite their past and present circumstances. She talks about having victory over victimhood and continues to be a celebrated author for her book Stronger: How Overcoming Life’s Adversities Can Push You into Your Purpose, which was featured as the #2 book out of 20 Recommended Books Oprah Should Read in 2019.
Through her challenges she has truly found her purpose and facilitates personal discovery and growth sessions designed to help others remove the restrictions that keep them stagnant. Her academic excellence displays her determination and focus. She has a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Psychology, a Master’s in Counseling and Master’s in Business Administration, and Doctorate in Education Leadership.
#ChoosetoChallenge #physicalhealth #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #e360TV #TeresaSmith #LynDeeEldridge #CuddleMeLove #KellyHaugh #JacquelineYoungLandi #womenswellness #MarvaRiley

