(S2:E5) Ancient Futures – Are You Living a Dope Life? With Steven White AKA “Seven”

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Season 143 Episode 5321

(S2:E5) Ancient Futures – Are You Living a Dope Life? With Steven White AKA “Seven”

We hear terms about living your best life and being the best version of yourself. But what does this really mean in the scheme of things? What does it mean when we so often find ourselves pressed on every side by competing priorities and demands on our time?
In a world that is changing so rapidly that the hands of time appear to speed up with each new year, people are striving for something more. They are no longer content with resigning to settling the “good enough life.” They want the dope life, that compulsive Don Quixote like-quest to not only dream the impossible dream, but to bring what appears to be impossible to the realm of the possible.
Tune in for another addition of Choose to Challenge. Host LaWanna Bradford and graphic novelist Steven White AKA “Seven” will explore the question “Are You Living Your Dope Life” and how this message is the utopic thread of exploration and hope that weaves through the journey of the novel’s main character, Valentino Cruz.
Hashtags - #ChoosetoChallenge #AncientFutures #LaWannaBradford #StevenWhite #Seven #DopeLife #graphicnovels

