Season 143 Episode 5332
Choose to Challenge - Still I Rise: Ever Growing & Expanding with Anna Showalter
(Pre-recorded Episode)
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or lost? Perhaps you find yourself backed into a corner and your don't know which way to turn?
Did you know that even in our darkest hours, when the tsunamis and hurricanes of life are raging, there is hope? Telling our stories are what provide hope? Stepping from behind the mask and being transparent in the struggles that we have faced and the hurdles that we have overcome can be the thing that save someone. Do you have a story that needs to be told?
Tune into this special episode with host LaWanna Bradford and guest Anna Showalter. Anna and LaWanna share a friendship of over 30 year. They have laughed and cried together and today they come share a special message of hope, salvation, deliverance and joy. This may not be a message for everyone, but if it inspires one person to look up and realize that they are not alone, then this was worth every minute!
Anna Showalter is a woman who knows what it is like to go through the storms of life and come out on the other side rejoicing. Anna speaking little English and being abandoned by her husband chose to not return to Germany with her 2 sons, a 10-month old and a 2-year old. She believed the impossible was possible, and for the next 42 years saw miracle after miracle. Prayers were answered. Provisions for food, housing, employment and so much more were being manifested in her life. Her mind was being renewed from the fear an anxiety that she experienced from being victimized by sexual abuse, domestic violence, and later the death of her eldest son, Daniel.
Today she is a retired school professional and is a mentor for Hope for USA. She is learning her 4th language, volunteering at church, and sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in a world experiencing uncertain times.
#choosetochallenge #AnnaShowalter #LaWannaBradford