Season 143 Episode 5252
Choose to Challenge - Priorities & Values - Tips to Create Alignment and Increase Income
[Choose to Challenge airs each Monday on www.e360TV.com
at 6PM EST and streams on AppleTV, SamsungTV, ROKU and Facebook.]
April is Financial Literacy Month. There is so much information about budgeting, saving, investing, and building generational wealth that it can be a bit overwhelming. Whether in your personal life or businesses, our goal is to improve our financial literacy and application to increase our influence, impact, and income. It is imperative that we stand up and be the captain of our financial ship.
During this Choose to Challenge episode, we will review business tips that we may not regard when we think about Financial Literacy and increasing our bottom line.
Values and priorities are critical cornerstones to building frameworks, processes, systems, and relationships.
However, how often do we check to see if they align with each other and our long-term vision? Do they align with what we do each day, how we operate our business, and with whom we engage? Have we compromised in any area, and now are feeling the weight of fiscal compromise and frustration?
Tune in at 6PM EST for a time of reflection and exploration. Your discovery and personal answers may surprise you.