Standing on the Shoulder of Giants with Gloria Toney-Fleets

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Season 143 Episode 5287

Standing on the Shoulder of Giants with Gloria Toney-Fleets

#BlackHistory #REPLAY #ChoosetoChallenge
(#REPLAY) Choose to Challenge celebrates Black History Month. Tune in on Monday, 2/20/22 at 6PM EST with host LaWanna Bradford and Gloria Toney-Fleets. LaWanna and Gloria hare some stories and insights about their experiences in meeting several iconic black civil rights giants. They will introduce you to people like Dr. C.T. Vivian, Dr. Joseph Lowery, Coretta Scott King, Jesse Hill, and Jesse Jackson.
Gloria Toney-Fleets is the CEO of VMPC, Inc. Gloria is a visionary, strategist and mentor, and a champion for real change. She centers her mission around the belief that your tax dollars should remain within the City and County that you reside. She believes that this supports community advancement, steady job creation, economic growth and sustainability that leads to real change.
#ChoosetoChallenge #BlackHistory #LaWannaBradford #GloriaToneyFleets #VMPCInc

