Season 143 Episode 5317
Can You Really Shift Your Experience with Words - Wendy Corner
Tune into Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, August 1, at 6PM EST on e360TV.com for a discussion on the power of words. Can you really shift your experience with words? We will uncover the answer to this question and much more as host LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group/The Bradford Group Consulting) and Wendy Corner unpackage the words that we use with others, and most importantly the words that we say to ourselves. Can life really shift when we change our perspective and our word choices? Choose to Challenge has been reaching TV audiences since 2021, and streams on FB, ROKU, Apple TV, and Samsung TV. WENDY CORNER has spent years as speech pathologist guiding individuals to step into the freedom of self-expression and recovery through the power of words. She is the Founder and Creator of Your Words Have Power, a platform for speakers to share their messages and stories to inspire people to live their lives fully. She is on a mission to help countless speakers to step onto stages across the world and share their messages and stories to change lives. Wendy was from Scotland, now based in Perth, Western Australia where she trains and coaches clients all over the world. She reminds us that our words have power, both what we say to others and to ourselves. #ChoosetoChallenge #wordhavepower #changeyourwordschangeyourlife #LaWannaBradford #WendyCorner #YourWordsHavePower