Don't Be Silenced...Your Voice Matters with Ricky J. Spann (LTC, US Army Ret)

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Season 143 Episode 5258

Don't Be Silenced...Your Voice Matters with Ricky J. Spann (LTC, US Army Ret)

Choose to Challenge is a show designed to create a platform where narratives are changed surrounding the impediments the interfere with women elevating to the highest versions of themselves. This includes systems, institutions, legislation, mindsets, etc. It’s a platform for deep introspective and challenging conversations. Choose to Challenge is in the 3rd season and is a weekly show that airs each Monday at 6PM EST on
Tune in on Tuesday, 11/7/22 at 6PM ET as host LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group and The Bradford Group Consulting) and guest Ricky J. Spann (LTC, US Army Ret) talk about the importance of to being silence and recognize that your voice matters.
Today, like never before, we must rise and not be afraid to exercise our voice whether in our personal lives, in business, in the workplace, or at the polls. Where do you stand when it comes to expressing your voice? Do you temper it based on the environment? Do you silence it to gain a greater following? Think about experiencing the liberating feeling of true, honest, and unapologetic self-expression. When you know your truth and for what you stand, jumping on the playing field and joining the vocal orchestra of change becomes possible. Let’s not just talk about it (i.e., words without action), let’s be about it.
Ricky J. Spann, (LTC, US Army Ret), is a retired Intelligence Officer, a speaker, teacher, inventor, and serial entrepreneur. Ricky is the author of the controversial and provocative book, Man Up – A Plan for the Spiritual and Organizational Retooling of Black America. He is a proud father and grandfather who spends his time fueling grassroots efforts to create community, local, and federal political awareness, and ensuring that everyone knows their power and exercise their right to vote.
#ChoosetoChallenge #LaWannaBradford #RickyJSpann #ManUp #WomenRise #YourVoiceMatters

