Loving Day - A Celebration of Freedom with Cornelia Brown

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Season 143 Episode 5277

Loving Day - A Celebration of Freedom with Cornelia Brown

#ChoosetoChallenge #LovingDay #LaWannaBradford
Choose to Challenge | Loving Day – A Celebration of Freedom
Join us for ""Loving Day - A Celebration of Freedom"" on e360TV.com, streaming live on Facebook and LinkedIn on Monday, June 5, 2023 at 6PM ET. Hosted by LaWanna Bradford, this special event brings together voices of change and empowerment.
In a time not so long ago, the United States saw interracial marriages banned in most states. Can you imagine? The simple act of loving someone was deemed illegal, and that person found themselves a victim of societal pressures and laws aimed at preserving so-called racial purity.
These archaic laws were born in the late 17th century, as many states passed anti-miscegenation laws, denying the union of individuals from different races. But let's remember, these laws did not blanket the entire nation. Some states never fell under their grip, and restrictions varied from place to place.
Thankfully, the strength of love and the power of justice prevailed. Courageous individuals challenged these discriminatory laws, fighting for the rights of all to love freely. The tide began to turn, and through years of activism and legal battles, the walls of prejudice started to crumble.
Then, in 1967, a landmark decision forever changed the course of history. The U.S. Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia ruled anti-miscegenation laws unconstitutional, finally bringing love and equality to the forefront.
Join us as we commemorate this journey of love and liberation. LaWanna Bradford will be joined by the inspiring Cornelia ""Connie"" Brown, who will share her experiences and insights. Together, let's celebrate the triumph over systemic racism and honor the resilience of those who paved the way for a more inclusive society.
Don't miss ""Loving Day - A Celebration of Freedom"" on e360TV.com, streaming live on Facebook and LinkedIn. It's a testament to love's victory over prejudice and a reminder that love knows no bounds.
Cornelia “Connie” Brown was born in the most southern Bavarian mountain village called Bad Torlz in Germany and is a first generation immigrant to the United States of America. She is the founder of an Entrepreneur empowerment group called Red Rose Conquerors and works with her husband in the real estate Industry. She loves to write stories about our diverse communities and experiences, especially children’s books. All of her books, speeches and events celebrate diversity, inclusion and acceptance in one way or the other. She believes in Amor Omnia Vincit - Love conquers all!
#ChoosetoChallenge #LovingDay #LaWannaBradford #CorneliaBrown #LoveConquersAll

