Season 143 Episode 5296
Transformation Comes When Standing in the Gap with Serena Bufalino
Tune into Choose to Challenge on 4/11/22 at 6PM EST on e360TV and FB Live. Host LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group/The Bradford Group Consulting) and Serena Bufalino (Celebrate You April Woman of the Month) are going to explore the metamorphosis that occurs to an individual when they stand in the gap for those in need.
With all that is going on in our lives and in the world, it is easy to deflect the bridge building responsibility to someone else. Our packed schedules and competing priorities equip us with plausible excuses as to why we cannot step up and roll up our sleeves. However, what if we ceased with the excuses and looked at the possibilities. What if we let go of our limited thinking that tells us that to move the needle, we personally need to have massive amounts of resources. What if we could remove our blinders and let go of our biases, and see that when we join a collective, our little becomes multiples exponentially.
So often we look at what we are doing for others and we have a sense of satisfaction knowing that we are making a difference in someone's life. Yet imagine we paused long enough to see that the greatest transformation is happening within our own life. Then we can embrace the fact that we have become the change we wish to see in the world.
Serena Bufalino is a force of nature. She is rooted in service to others and hauls herself over every obstacle using the pitons of hard work, dedication, and determination. What began as a career as a teacher under the Section 23 program with Toronto’s at-risk youth, has evolved into a lifetime of service work empowering and inspiring people across the globe.
Serena has taught in detention centers, mental health hospitals, and group homes. In 2011, the Haiti School Building Project was born, when her Section 23 students, insisted “Miss B, you say we can do anything, so let’s build a school.” In partnership with John Callaghan of Third World Awareness over $100,000 was fundraised and a school in Canaan, Haiti for one hundred students was constructed.
Today, Serena, alongside a group of global movers and shakers, runs Help Heal Humanity and intends to change the world one “yes” at a time. Serena holds a BA from McMaster University.
Learn more about Serena and the work she is doing at https://bit.ly/celebratehhh
#ChoosetoChallenge #LaWannaBradford #TheBradfordGroup #TBG #makingadifference #AprilWomanoftheMonth #SerenaBufalino