Choose to Challenge - Gratitude Can Change Your Life with Vismaya Rubin

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Season 143 Episode 5324

Choose to Challenge - Gratitude Can Change Your Life with Vismaya Rubin

<p>#ChoosetoChallenge #WomensHistoryMonty #LaWannaBradford<br />
Choose to Challenge | Gratitude Can Change Your Life<br />
Tune into another edition of Choose to Challenge with LaWanna Bradford on Monday, 03/06/2023 at 6PM EST on The show also streams on FB, LinkedIn, ROKU, Apple TV, and Samsung TV.<br />
Choose to Challenge is a platform that provides the conversational place to shift the narratives and mindsets around the myriad of issues facing women on a domestic and global scale. Each episode challenges the audience to reflect on norms, systems, institutions, biases, and stereotypes that limit women from elevating to the best versions of themselves.<br />
LaWanna Bradford (The Bradford Group) and her guest Vismaya Rubin (Living in Gratitude Today) discuss how gratitude can shift and change your life both in good and challenging times. The pandemic allowed us to look at ourselves and say, &ldquo;it&rsquo;s ok to not be ok.&rdquo; It gave rise to increasing discussions about mental health and overall well-being in communities around the world. This shared global experience gave us permission to begin the journey of tearing down the mental health taboos and breaking through our own limiting beliefs and biases.<br />
During this episode, Vismaya unpackages her definition of gratitude and allows the listeners to lean into a deeper understanding of how it constitutes a state of being. She believes that gratitude is a practice that can be cultivated each day whereby we are able to be present and discover those moments that echo the beauty of life. If you are seeking to live a life that is filled with conscious and intentional gratitude, Vismaya provides four key questions to ask ourselves to help us uncover the moments of gratitude to celebrate in our lives.<br />
____________________________________________<br />
Vismaya Rubin is a mental health advocate, founder of Living in GRATITUDE Today, and #1 GRATITUDE gangsta! Vismaya shows people how to manage emotions, challenge negative thought patterns, and improve relationships by Living in GRATITUDE Today.<br />
Vismaya Rubin&rsquo;s approach to practicing gratitude is original, edgy, direct, and energizing. For twenty years, she taught inner-city high schoolers to tap into their inner GRATITUDE GANSTA and appreciate life, regardless of their circumstances.<br />
Now, Vismaya shares these tools with overwhelmed, and overworked women who are ready to reclaim their happiness.<br />
To connect with Vismaya, email her at<br />
Website - <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
#ChoosetoChallenge #WomensHistoryMonty #LaWannaBradford #VismayaRubin #LivinginGratitudeToday #TheBradfordGroup #e360TV</p>

