Ministry In and Outside the Four Walls! | Sit-Down discussion with Dr. Pearl Pierce

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Season 54 Episode 2252

Ministry In and Outside the Four Walls! | Sit-Down discussion with Dr. Pearl Pierce

#MinistryTalks #ChurchCommunity #OutsideTheFourWalls
Ministry In and Outside the Four Walls! | Sit-Down discussion with Dr. Pearl Pierce
• Sit-Down discussion with Dr. Pearl Pierce --Pastor, Servant, and Leader
• Discuss ministries outside the four walls.
• Discuss why serving is a major and important focus.
• Discuss the involvement of church members in outside ministries.
Social Media:
Facebook is @pearl pierce
Instagram is Iamdr.pearl.
Explore the dynamic realm of ministry beyond traditional boundaries in our video, Ministry In and Outside the Four Walls! Join us for a profound sit-down discussion with the esteemed Dr. Pearl Pierce, delving into the essence of spiritual leadership, community engagement, and the impact of faith beyond the confines of a church. Gain insights, inspiration, and practical wisdom for fostering meaningful connections and impactful ministry in diverse spaces. Don't miss this empowering conversation that transcends the pulpit, offering a fresh perspective on faith in action!

