Season 113 Episode 11840
Own Your Wellness S1E5
Andy Mayhew is a health expert who goes to bed excited every night and he flies out of bed in the morning because he has the best job in the world. He gets to talk about food all day long, and help people navigate their way to a level of health and authenticity they may not have believed possible. He loves to build things, and he believes there is no better satisfaction than helping someone build a better life. This is his purpose in life and he is damn passionate about it.
His practice is designed to support professional women through their journey towards better health. Working in the corporate and entrepreneurial world gave him experience in that environment and the knowledge on how to improve it. Growing up in a house full of women and now that he has a lovely wife and two daughters of his own, gave him understanding, from a man’s point of view, the beauty and struggles of womanhood. Women make the greatest impact on the world and deserve all the support they can get. He was trained at Bauman College as a holistic nutritionist but it’s been his experience over the last 7 years of working directly with people that shaped his system of helping those who need it the most make lasting change.