Dealing With The Legalities Of Being An Entrepreneur, S6E55
Richard Gearhart, Esq. is an award-winning speaker, TV network expert guest, nationally
syndicated radio show host and the founder of Gearhart Law. Richard speaks on a variety of intellectual property and business topics. He has worked with Larry Namer - founder of E!
Entertainment TV, former WWE wrestler Brimstone, The Sopranos actor Kevin Interdonato,
celebrity dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman, TV shopping network celeb Victoria Wieck, Dave Noll -
creator of the TV show Chopped, world renowned relationship strategist Dr. Gilda Carle, Terry Joes - founder of Kayak and Travelocity and more. Throughout his career in law, Richard has presented to numerous attorneys, to Fortune 50 companies as well as at top colleges and universities. Richard also spoke alongside New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Stuart Rabner at the New Jersey State Bar Association Business Law Symposium.
Richard is the co-host of Passage to Profit – Road to Entrepreneurship, along with his wife
Elizabeth. It is a nationally syndicated iHeart Radio show about entrepreneurism and
innovation, broadcasting from the studios of WOR710 in New York City. Passage to Profit
(www.passagetoprofitshow.com) also airs weekly on 25 radio stations nationwide on the Radio America Network. Richard built Gearhart Law (www.gearhartlaw.com), an international law firm to help entrepreneurs to protect themselves and their intellectual property around the world with their patent, trademark and copyrights. Richard has been recognized as one of “The Best of the Best”- ROI New Jersey Lawyers. His firm was listed twice in Inc. Magazine’s list of fastest growing companies, and routinely works with scientists from elite universities and institutions. In addition, Richard has represented 3 clients who have successfully landed on the hit TV show, Shark Tank. Gearhart Law emerged from Richard’s passion for entrepreneurship and startups and his belief that entrepreneurship grows the economy and creates jobs. Gearhart Law’s initial goal was to help and support the new business ventures of 500 entrepreneurs and inventors. After 16 years, the firm has far surpassed this goal to over 4000; today, Richard and his firm look forward to helping even more inventors and entrepreneurs get off to a great start and
reach their own goals.