How To Reduce Menopausal Symptoms - VANESSA NIXON

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Season 239 Episode 8075

How To Reduce Menopausal Symptoms - VANESSA NIXON

You know how lots of women in mid-life start experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia, weight gain and intimacy issues that keep them from living their best lives? Vanessa helps empower them to reduce menopausal symptoms using natural methods and learn how to make this the most impactful phase of their lives, while feeling healthy, vibrant and focused! “As a Traditional Naturopath, CEO of the natural cosmetics company, Natural Look Mineral Make-Up and Professional Belly Dance Instructor, I love helping empower women to thrive during the spiritual initiation of their menopausal journey, through natural health, natural movement and natural beauty. After starting my life over at 50 years old, I found a profound way to step powerfully into my new life with vibrant health and have touched the lives of hundreds of women in similar situations.”
-Vanessa Nixon, Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Homeopath

